dijous, 29 de maig del 2014

Global exam English

Unit 1
Listen to an MP3 player(Escuchar el reproductor de MP3), laugh (Reír), eat popcorn (Comer palomitas), Write a note (Escribir una nota), sleep (dormir), read a magazine (Leer una revista), shout (gritar), draw (dibujar).
Scared (Asustado), Tired (cansado), hungry (hambriento),angry(enfadado), thirsty (Sediento), Sad (triste), excited(excitado, emocionado).
Is he/she wearing a pullover? (¿Está él/ella vistiendo un jersey?).
Yes,she/he is. (Sí, él/ella lo lleva)
No, he/she isn’t.
Am I wearing a t-shirt?
Yes, you are.
Are you wearing a jacket?
Yes, I am.

Am I: you are
Are you: I am
Is he/she: She/He is
Are we:

Are they wearing a uniform?
Yes, they are.
I am/you are/he is/she is/it is/we are/you are/they are.
Am I/are you/is he/is she/is it/are we/are you/are they.
I am David
Am I David? Yes, I am
We are the explorers
Are we the explorers? No, we are not

Unit 2:
Go skateboarding (Ir con el monopatín), go swimming (ir a nadar), swimming pool (piscina),go riding a horse/a bike(montar a caballo/en bicicleta), play table tennis(Jugar a tenis de mesa), play volleyball (jugar a balón-volea/voleibol), play badminton(jugar a badminton), do gymnastics (hacer gimnasia),do karate (practicar karate).
Win(ganar), lose(perder), train(entrenar), trainer/coach(entrenador)team(equipo).
Do you play football? Yes, I do.
Does she play football? Yes, she does/No, she doesn´t.
Unit 3
Sticker(pegatina), magnet(imán), figure (figura), poster(poster), postcard (tarjeta postal), badge (broche/placa), keyring(llavero), card (carta de baraja/cromo).
Cushion (cojín), carpet(alfombra), curtains (cortinas), shelves/shelf (estantería), mug(taza, jarra, tarro).


There is (singular)/There are(Plural) : Hay

There is a pencil here.
There are three pencils here.

Are there any chairs in the classroom? 
Yes, there are twenty four chairs in the classroom.
Yes, there is a chair in the classroom.

Farm animals.
Cow, rabbit, donkey, sheep, duck, pig, cock, horse, dog.
Wild animals.
Tiger, Lion, Racoon,Hedgehog, Fox, Chimpanzee, Anteater, Hyena, Bear, Rhinocerous, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Snake.
Praying mantis, Grasshopper, Ant, Butterfly, Snail, Ladybird.
Sea animals.
Dolphin, White Shark, Squid, Seahorse, Shrimp, Tortoise, 
Baloo fish.
Parrot, Ferret, Iguana, Canary.


What is/are (subject) got?
           is    (he/she)
           are (you/we/they)

(Subject) have/has got a __________.
He/she has got a tortoise.
We have got a rabbit.

Shy, brave, fierce, greedy, noisy. 

Unit 5
Shopping center, library, supermarket, theatre, hotel, church, cinema, cafè. (In your notebook you have more vocabulary).
Scientist, Cook, Farmer, Waitress, Waiter, Student 

Straight on, Carry on, Go on, Straight ahead. Turn left. Turn right. It is on the left/right.

You have to carry on BY Andrea's Street. Then you have to turn left BY Daniel's Street. Then go on by butterfly's street and the theatre is on the right next to the Jonathan Station.

Past tense:

To be:
I was not, you were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were. 
I am, you are he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are

I was fun
I wasn`t fun. I was not fun.

Unit 6
Museum, water park, football match, safari park, science center, amusement park, music festival, circus, 
Clown, trampoline




dimarts, 27 de maig del 2014

Examen global Coneixement del Medi I

Unitats 1-3
-Mapa de relleu de les Illes Balears (amb les unitats de relleu que varem donar).
-Paisatge de Muntanya Pàg 13/Paisatge de plana pàg 15/Paisatge de costaPàg 17
-Com és el clima de les Illes Balears(pàg 24 primer paràgraf).
-Conceptes de: Població activa (ocupada i desocupada)
                        Població no activa
- Sector primari (Activitats que fan)
-Sector secundari(activitats que fan).
-Sector terciari(activitats que fan).
- Saber quin dels tres sectors és el fonamental a les Illes Balears i saber quina activitat és la més important.


Expressions sinònimes i antònimes.Paraules polisèmiques.Prefixos i sufixos.Gentilicis.Frases fetes.
Oració. Subjecte i predicat.
Signes de puntuació. Punt, coma i dos punts.
Nom. Classes de nom. Gènere i nombre.
Adjectiu. Graus de l’adjectiu.
Pronoms personals.
H i R consonants mudes. Essa sorda i essa Sonora.
X, ix, tx, ig.
J,tj, g, tg.
Vocals e,o (sons)
Vocal neutra
Dígrafs (separació síl·labica).


Palabras sinónimas y antónimas.Palabras polisémicas.
Prefijos y sufijos.Gentilicios. Usos coloquiales y cultos.
·       Acentuación (Sílaba tónica y átona, normas de acentuación, tilde en diptongo y tilde en hiato).
Punto y seguido, punto y aparte, punto final, coma y punto y coma.
B, V, G (diéresis), J, H, LL/Y.
Repasar las listas de palabras difíciles de cada tema.
Sustantivo y sus clases.
Oración: Sujeto y predicado (Detective privado).
Adjetivo calificativo. Grados del adjetivo.
Los pronombres personales.
Verbos: Conjugaciones. Formas simples y compuestas. Infinitivo.
Repasar las listas de palabras difíciles de cada tema.